
An elevated experience through a patient-focused technology

Mayo Clinic Cardiac Monitoring provides participating physicians and patients access to mobile cardiac monitoring throughout a patient’s cardiac monitoring plan. Our collaborators receive a seamless, simplified monitoring solution that allows patients to wear a single, easy-to-use monitoring device only as long as needed, while providing physicians full disclosure access to critical cardiac data for faster clinical decision-making and treatment.


Getting started

Our process begins with a request for cardiac monitoring by a patient’s clinician. Following patient consent and online enrollment, participating physicians can personalize all desired cardiac alert criteria for individual patients for the duration of their monitoring period.

After patients have consented, they receive a heart monitoring device along with a phone number to the cardiac monitoring team. That number connects patients to a Mayo Clinic staff member who walks them through the setup process and explains what patients can expect throughout their cardiac monitoring period.

Monitoring technology

Combining Mayo Clinic’s cardiac monitoring services with InfoBionic.Ai — a trusted technology partner — our program’s consolidated technology platform streamlines patient interaction. The use of one wearable device for the duration of a single monitoring period allows for seamless movement through all testing types. While in use, the device continuously streams a patient’s ECG and motion data for review — allowing for near-real-time intervention by the cardiac monitoring team of certified rhythm analysis technicians (CRAT).

The wearable, cellphone sized MoMe monitor was developed for patient usability and features simplified controls to report events and adjust the volume. Not only does this approach simplify the monitoring process, it provides streamlined adherence to the existing reimbursement landscape.

Other advantages include:

  • Near-real-time intervention.
  • Near-real-time patient management.
  • Diagnoses made in days, not weeks.

Monitoring workflow

Through our continuous, end-to-end platform, live monitoring can begin quickly, patient data is transmitted automatically, and the waiting period between multiple rounds of monitoring — as well as delays associated with device turnaround — are eliminated. Because prolonged monitoring after clinical decisions can be made is detrimental to patient care, our platform enables physicians to easily end service and receive the report as soon as a clinical diagnosis can be made.

Ongoing support

For any questions related to their cardiac monitoring plan, all patients have direct access to a call center that is staffed 24/7. Throughout the monitoring period, Mayo Clinic CRATs, who receive intensive, certified training and ongoing education, immediately contact the patient’s physicians to initiate appropriate care if something troubling or emergent is seen. In addition, we work with each client to develop a customized billing arrangement.


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