CV Podcast: Mayo Clinic's Experience with Cardioneural Ablation

CV Podcast: Mayo Clinic's Experience with Cardioneural Ablation

In this “ECG Segment: Making Waves” episode of the “Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME” podcast, host Anthony Kashou, M.D., welcomes Guru Kowlgi, M.B.B.S., to discuss Mayo Clinic’s experience with cardioneural ablation. This episode explores the evolution of this procedure, patient selection criteria, and Mayo Clinic’s cardioneural ablation program.

Key topics discussed:

  • What is cardioneural ablation, and which patients are the best candidates for the procedure?
  • The history of cardioneural ablation — how it has evolved and when Mayo Clinic launched its program.
  • Outcomes: How many cases has Mayo Clinic performed, and what are the success rates in terms of syncope-free survival?
  • What sets Mayo Clinic apart from other centers performing this procedure?

Stay informed on the latest advancements in cardiology by connecting with Mayo Clinic’s Cardiovascular CME program online.

Listen to the full episode here.

Carly Mouzes