CV Podcast: Lyme disease and the heart: How the ECG can save liveshypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Enhancing the diagnosis of a silent killer

In this “ECG Segment: Making Waves” episode of the “Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME” podcast, host Anthony Kashou, M.D., discusses the topic of Lyme carditis with expert Dr. Adrian Baranchuk. Lyme disease is a common tick-borne infection that can affect the heart, causing impaired electrical conduction and potentially serious complications if left untreated.

Dr. Baranchuk explains that Lyme carditis can present in two main ways: fulminant myocarditis or shutdown of the electrical system. The ECG is a valuable tool in detecting, following, and treating Lyme carditis, and effective treatment requires a combination of antibiotics and close monitoring.

The discussion also covers the importance of early detection and treatment of Lyme carditis, as well as the potential for long-term monitoring of ECG changes in affected patients. This episode provides valuable insights on the management and treatment of Lyme carditis and the role of the ECG in clinical practice.

Listen to the full episode here.

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Carly Mouzes